Monday, July 30, 2007


I go to the prosthetic centre and the technician gives me a new supposedly custom built strap for my artificial limb. I am a serious walker so after leaving the clinic feeling relatively secure that I would not encounter no mishaps as I go along on my business. Lo and behold as my foot sink into an unexpected pot hot hole or should I say cup size hole I loose my balance and I am down for the count “1., and like the determined boxer in the ring I struggle to my feet denying the referee and my opponent (in this care the cup hole drilled into the road) the satisfaction of counting me down and out. During all this commotion I have garnered some spectators, most of whom seem to think. "This is live TV and the show is for free"! Anyway eventually someone will yell "yuh alright?” and I'm thinking sure yes I'm alright, as alright as any woman could be after enduring the indignity of unexpectedly falling on her butt as a result of trusting the strap on her a/limb to endure the rigors of any unexpected terrain. "Yeah I'm alright" I reply.