Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Articles- revisited.

I laughed and laughed while re-re-reading my previous posts. I have grown so much  since then and as I reflect on those experiences I realize gutsiness, faith and  determination were  my greatest allies.

The]masters degree? I got it! looking at the  next one now. Fingers crossed and prayerfully seeking avenues to make it happen.

The prosthetic woes continue, unfortunately, that area of my life is a serious affliction. A useful way to I found as a helpful compensation is dance to be fit exercises. They give me the  buoyancy and balance I need to survive/avoid falls.

I am still living pay check to pay check though on the  other hand I am working. I am even repairing an old  building in preparation for the non-profit project for persons with disabilities.

The well meaning but visionless relatives and friends I realize what they think is 'none of my business'!

So with pleasure I introduce the new serene and self assured me.