Saturday, May 5, 2018

People first -why? ongoing

I had an interesting conversation with some of my students over the year. Segregation and inclusion are opposites.the impression I received was that segregation is comfortable and convenient. Including students with various disabilities is an uncomfortable concept. in this blog though i want to focus on language effects. Guyanese in general speak broken English. the hafa man, one eye lady funny foot ole man ate some of the ways people are refereed to. if they protest against the call name they are laughed at or considered picky, touchy etc who likes to be viewed by their weakness first? South African wrote a book called people first. in it he talked of perception of a person based on disability. the argument could be inferred as 'one eye lady' what will people be looking for first? you guessed it if she has one eye. the lady maybe a great seamstress or mechanic but, she is never referred to as the lady who sews coats well or repairs car engines yet people will casually call her the one eye lady. which one sounds more positive? the one eye lady or the efficient mechanic lady?

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